Jeremy Stoker

Bringing Aviation Principles to Life

Born and raised outside of Seattle, Washington, a city known for aviation, Jeremy has had an intense interest in aviation for as long as he can remember. Now with 28 years and nearly 10,000 hours of pilot experience in dozens of planes, he is an expert aviator and Captain on the Airbus A320. Jeremy currently lives outside of Dallas, Texas. He’s been married to Adrienne, the girl of his dreams, for 22 years. He’s a proud father of two daughters, Brooklyn and Michelle, and his son Kyle. He also loves dogs and has an obnoxious Border Collie named Cash.

Signature Talk:

Command Your Life Like a Pilot and Make Your Mom Proud Too

After 9/11 the aviation industry was in turmoil. Jeremy graduated from an aeronautical university three months later with little hope of fulfilling his childhood dream of becoming an airline pilot. The moment he decided to stop finding reasons to give up was the moment he realized he needed just one reason to keep going: to make his mom proud.

Time to Fuel Up

The first thing a pilot looks at when they get their flight plan from dispatch is the fuel load. Unlike a car, fuelers don’t just fill the tanks every time. The fuel load must be strategic. Too much and the plane is too heavy to land, not enough and the plane will not make it to its destination. Choose your destination then learn the strategies to reaching it with all you need and nothing you don’t.

Stay on Course

A plane is off course 99% of the time. It’s the constant little corrections that gets the plane and its passengers safely to their destination. Learn how to plot a course, prioritize and course correct so you make consistent progress towards your destination.

Follow Your Checklist

Pilots live by their checklists, literally. Planes can have as many as 4 million different parts. It takes a checklist to make sure all those parts are doing what they are supposed to do - when they’re supposed to do it… It’s complex. Learn how to manage the complexities of life with effective routines and habits and gain the confidence, resilience, and grit to manage problems as they arise. Create the day you want to have and then follow your checklist.


Because of Jeremy I’ve had more improvement in the last six months than the last six years!


I trust Jeremy with every bone in my body. His personal story of resilience inspires me to chase after my own dreams, no matter how hard things get. Anyone would be so lucky to have Jeremy in their corner.


Jeremy captures the audience with his authenticity and great storytelling ability! He inspires the audience to take action and command the BEST of themselves! I look forward to hearing his signature talk again.


Our young men often need a helping hand. Jeremy Stoker provides that help. He is a good man on an important mission of support to those in need of insightful guidance.

I strongly encourage you to talk with Jeremy about how he can be of service .


On purpose and on point! Jeremy’s personal journey and experience are evidence that he is best equipped to direct young men powerfully in the direction of their dreams.


Fill Out the Form Below for More Information or to Schedule Jeremy to Speak at Your Next Event